Saturday, February 13, 2010

Uncle's wedding dinner.

went to kl yesterday right after i back from school to attend Mr.Kenny and Ms Layla Jo Board's wedding dinner. uncle's wedding dinner. he is staying in New York.
I don't know what to call him, uncle perhaps ? :)
hmm. the wedding dinner's was at Sunway spa and resorts. =)
Sunwayyyy :D

haha. nicenice ! the food were quite delicious. andddd ! the waiters were handsome ! hahaha !
But.. the most handsome one was the one who sitting beside me. My brother.. hahahaa !! this was what he said !! =.= he told me the waiter is handsome, then after he went to the toilet, he said that the waiter is not that handsome after he saw himself in the mirror ! =.= =.= =.= =.=

LOL ! the kids i saw were so super cute ! especially the girl girl who always come to the table which is her ah ma was sitting ? izzit her ah ma ? im not that sure =)

brotherrrrrrr :D

cousins staying in new york ! :D handsome and cute ! =)

last but not least,
congratulations to uncle !
wish : 白头到老! =)恩恩爱爱! =)

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