Saturday, August 29, 2009

Flower in the pocket

Watched this movie "flower in the pocket" 口袋里的花 on thursday night 11pm. =D untill 1am.
hmm.. malaysia's movie.
overall, the movie was quite nice. and this movie make me laugh out loud xD
BUT !!! I watched till the end of the movie, i don't know the meaning of this movie =x
i don't know what its wanna tell us about ==
i just know there's 2 brothers. very pity..
they ate plan rice + uncooked egg + water and stir it together, that's their food.
OMG !!!!
but there's some funny parts ! damn funny one lorr =X must watch only can know..

ohh ! the didi's name is ma li om ! xD
korkor's name is ma li ya ! xD

didi and korkor infront of their school.
didi took out a packet of tomato sauce and asked his bro
didi: " kor! 你要吃KFC吗?" nah ~~
korkor: "这个哪里是KFC! 这个是tomato sauce!"
didi: " aiya, 一样的啦!"
korkor : 你去哪里拿的?
didi : 朋友!他借我看然后忘记拿回。他又没有跟我拿回。

didi open the tomato sauce and began to eat ! xD and he passed it to korkor and they both eat together hahaha.

after school, didi and korkor walked and saw a small didi waiting for her mom.
they said wanna send the small didi back.
korkor : 小弟弟,你住哪里
xiao didi : 马来西亚
xiao didi : 吉隆坡
didi : 吉隆坡那里
xiao didi : _____ ( he said dy.. but i forgotten dy.. =X)
korkor : ______在那里
xiaodidi : 吉隆坡啦!

=.= LOL !!

xiao didi followed didi and korkor..
they asked xiao didi go and steal ice cream !
and they ate the ice cream in the longkang ==
didi said : 你骗人的!
xiaodidi : 哪里有!
didi : 你又讲这里是你家!这里是longkang leh! 你住这里啊!?


zadao zadao !

at night.. before they sleep.

korkor : 你怎么穿这校服睡觉?
didi : 酱明天我就不用换咯!我可以睡迟一点!
korkor : 傻的!

lol the didi damn pro.. he changed his clothes on his bed.. lying on the bed to change his uniform !! =x

they saw a puppy in the field,
didi said : 哦,原来是小狗来的!不是猪meh?

LOL!! still got more xD

during this holiday, i always sleep late !!
dark circle !! @@. ahh ! panda ! ==
unhealty life style ! LOL !!
omg omg !

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