Sunday, August 2, 2009


yesterday, went to school. was suppose a schooling day.
BUT !! our class, about 10 students came only. mostly chinese cause we're having a competition at SMKTA that afternoon and we sat our school's bus to the school.
so, slept at school XD
teachers didn't teach.. so less student.. how to teach ?
damn i seriously dislike that maths teacher !!
we came to school, and she asked us came to school for what ?
WTF ! so next time if we didn't go to school, can we said the teacher asked us not to come ??
damnn ~
cut off that part it's still a fun day. xD
was reading that 3 books about china but ended up talking with them boys xD
for chinese, only annie, me, shang xian, joon kit, jordan, chin lip.. did i left out anyone ? lolx
played basketball for a little while LOL
our class boys get caught -.-

1pm. when to the bus stop in our school.
waiting for teachers and bus driver.
Yi ming and Joon Kit. hahah. they're funny.
yi ming said he's the driver, and joon kit was his penolong. HAHAHA
they explained that bus.. -.- said until transformer -.-

" can't press that red button ! "


reached SMKTA and saw many ppl !!
went to the canteen. crowded @@
saw many students were reading that book.
but us ? hanging around ! hahaha
i saw many bro's friend, yee ping, eileen, zi qing, ming yu, zhan yang.. and more @.@
saw jin shyang, yeen qian, hui xin. hahahaha.

about the paper.. LOL.
hentam XD

took some photos with yee jing, kay key and annie. =)

black spec VS white spec. =D
with yee jing the mask girl =P

annie, the mask girl 2 -.-

thanks to annie's sis for fetching me back to home =)

that's all.. byee ~

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