Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June Junee Juneee!

Finally, It's June !
Yeah, I love June !
It's Half of a year. XD

Nicholas Teo's Album is going to release sooooooon !
June already loh, still support Nicholas Ah ?

Hahaha ! My answer is.. YES!
Okay, actually i was considering whether should I buy his new album , cause not really like his new hair style haha. but somehow,the new CURL hair style is quite okay also. XD
sorry to others nicholas fans, please don't shoot me. I'm also nicholas fans ! XD
But the MOST important thing is, his songs are nice !!
And the point is, his songs are really nice and he's more and more handsome haha.
Thanks to my brother who helped me to book the album yesterday.
I thought can get any suprise thing, but my brother told me it's just a file or something else. But it's okay la, my file had already broken also haha. x)

"The Moment Of Silence"

Can't Wait !


Nothing special happened during the holidays.
Just that i haven't finish my folio.
Going to school tomorrow!

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