Saturday, June 13, 2009


My cousin from penang came to kuantan on 5th of June. Right after they reached, we went to the padang lalang for our dinner. the restaurant which i hate so much. Cause there were cats disturbing you when you're eating. But this time we went into the air conditioned room. Comfortable and the food were delicious XD and the point is, there's no cats inside x)

6th of June.
Woke up early in the morning. about 5 something A.M.
We went to TC to see sun rise. XD
But, failed. there was too much clouds blocking the sun.

After that, went to Sungai Lembing for our breakfast.
There were so many people ! and the food was not as nice as we ate last time.
I bumped into someone who very familiar ! i don't know where i saw him before. I think he played badminton.. and yes, i saw him during the sabs open competition x)
Wanted to climb the mountain but when we climbed half way, ooh not even half ! just a few steps and cousins didn't want to climb anymore. hahaha.
Then, went to the musuem which i had visited it for many many times. @@
after musuem, the crystal house. What??! need to pay RM2 to go in. Nothing nice to see also.
and actually i went there before, and last time no need to pay.
Then, the bridge.. long long shaky bridge. hahaha.
I skipped my badminton and english tuition.
We went to balok beach to.. play water! haha
the sea water was as salty as SALT !!
our eyes were so pain. lol
we went to quite far ! XD
we played.... with the.. Ombak ? lol XD hahaha.
It was fun.

For dinner, we went to Pak Su.
Omg we can enjoy the sea scenery if we chose to sit outside. It was a nice place !!
and the food was really delicious !!
I want to go there again ~

7th of June.
After we had our breakfast at Lembing Restaurant,we went to sungai kuantan.
Wanted to sit the boat. but it was fully booked.
So, we went there again at 2.30pm which we had booked the time. Haha.
overall, it was wonderful trip lol.
saw many mangrove trees, different spesies of eagle!!
Monkeys, siamang ?? i forgotten the name.
and saw a bird called burung botak which i never seen before.
the trip was about 1 hour plus.
and we was lucky, we saw crocodile. But i never saw also. i don't know whether the thing i saw is crocodile or not. ==
including the 15 minutes walk in the mangrove forest. haha

this is the one who told us many things during the trip. she's a malay but she can speak chinese very well !! o.O
sky.. or sea.. ?

after the river cruise, went to tanjung lumpur for the keropok lekor, otak-otak and one i forgotten the name. But all the food was superb!
I'm so lazy to write more. Grr.
skipped some lar har ;P
Dinner we went to tanjung. XD
nice nice.

8th of June
morning, went to medan selera.. ate bat kut teh.. @@
then cousin they all went back to penang.

So, the conclusion was, these few days i was just eating and playing =)
Eat~ I love to eat !

Then, went to semambu court. the sabs open..
@@ go there.. nothing to do. XD
just walked here and there.

9th of June.
My competition.
At first i'm not going to join. but since nobody joined, i joined.
@@ and the jordan lee jia chern keep asking me to join mix.
So sien him, keep bising bising only == so i joined la
Wow, single only got three people.. eleanor, malay girl and me. @@
double langsung tak de.
mixed only two team.


then the foong jun keet ask us to join double. so me and eleanor. but double only us. ==
No need to play then get first. @@

11th of June.
Single final @.@
eleanor "fong sui" kakaka.
played 3 sets XD
and at last sure is eleanor won la, no need to say hahaha. Congrats ya !
Damn zadou. the empire is.. the guy keep saying people "gai" (chicken)
before that we was playing badminton together ==
Me, eleanor, Loke JC, the guy keep saying people gai, and the guy who play bsb. I don't know their name. sorry ==

12th of June
Went to school early in the morning.. @.@
to take the medals. ==
single second, double first, mixed first.
Okay, to tell the truth, i only played for single.
double and mixed no need to play then get first.. not fun..

And now, busy with foliosssssssssssss.

Oh.. I wanna watch 17 Again !!!! Adui.
And, nicholas teo's album.. heard all the songs..
but only some were nice..

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