Saturday, September 20, 2008


lol. moon was so round. =O
mooncake festival always got round round moon! haha.
well, the weather is so so so good compaired with the mooncake festival last year or last last year. Rain always come during mooncake festival, but this year no rain!!
Yerrrrr, i can't go to TC. my mooncake festival flyyyy away like that during the tuition. lolx. nahh. too bad =\

too late to wish happy mooncake festival here. lol. wakaka.
will upload the photos soon, since this come is ba lia one. keep restart, lazyyyy lahhh.

weLLLLL, went to rompin for someone's wedding dinner. cousin? friend? not sure. haha. err, i think is far far far far far far far cousin? lol !
went to rompin yesterday after school, so didn't go to basketball. -_- nvm la, tak de orang pegi pun. right?? AND...... guess i saw who during the wedding dinner? dang dang dang! TVXQ~~~~~~~~ don't believe? up to you! nevermind laaah, i'm not TVXQ's fans also lahh.tvxq got 5 people right? got one gam mou one right? hair long long? got earing right? see! i know!
anddddd, my bro told me that got one uncle is nicholas teo. who knows, he really sing de wor!! you know la, those wedding sure got people sing old songsss one right, right?? heeee. and i found jolin tsai, jay chou, lee hom and xiao hei.. first time attend people's wedding can meet so many singersssss~ muahhaha!!! =DDD and this wedding dinner is the most quiet one. after everyone shout YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, then the whole dewan no sound. LOL! no SENGGGGGGGGGGG. i think can hear i laughing also.!! -_-
then, went back to my cousin's house. stay one night there. =D GOT ASTRO weyyy. XDD
really LAUGH alot with my cousin. =x

then today, come back to kuantan. stop at nenasi awhile. a small small kampung. =D
can see many kampung house, fish boats and of course the FAMOUS DELICIOUS YUMMY TASTY KEROPOK. hahah, you know lahh. i love fooddddd ~ and plus keropok is one of my fav food. haha. see my SIZE then you know. =P you all should try the keropok! very nice you know! want try? come find me. xD but not sure still got anot lah, need keep for my dai lou, dai lou is always first marrr. see maybe i will bring to school de. XD
we also went to a chinese temple. hmm. got a very kind and friendly ah pek there. =D
errmm, i think all the people there is my grandma's friend. hehe. nenasi ppl also haha. and i saw two ah pek, they were my grandfather's besties. i think if my grandfather still alive will just like them, old. ooh, miss my grandfather so much! ah gong, can you hear me? come meet me in my dream, i will speak teo chew with you. <3
hmmmm. after that, reached kuantan lu.
ok, about the trip, trip? lol. i think thats all about the trip, trip? hahha.

hmm, finally i manage to finish my geografi folio within 2 days. not two days lahh. urrmm, 8 hours? luckily last wednesday was public holiday, can go to annie's house to do folio. me and her ia in a group. so, on that day, i went to her house at about 1:00pm. and seat infront the laptop untill 6:00pm. ahh, seat infront the computer for so many hours and just for typing only is so tiring ! but, seating infront of the laptop for hours, we still can't finish the damn folio. so, i had to go to annie's house tomorrow. aihx. luckily we can finish it! wohoo! but who knows, suddenly pn.norhuda said pass up our folio on next tuesday. we was like, wat the F? before that u said pass up on friday and now you said next tuesday?? haihz. make us rushing for the folio. what to do. last minute always like that. better don't last minute next time. lol

and i bought a novel again. "seven days" wrote by xu you bin, quite famous. haha. and i finished the novel! very interesting. not about love, is all about the seven days how they live inside the hole..
and i also read "memory angel" and "moon city" (trasnlate to chinese). YES, ITS VERY INTERESTING ALSO! moon city is after the memory angel. i read both of them. but still can't see the grandfather. so is this the end of the story ?
i had finish the 5 novels. cun cun de shou hu shen, shi yue, qi tian, ji yi tian shi and yue liang cheng. all also interesting. those who love to read novel should read these. xD

ok, i think i will stop here. will upload the photos soon after the new com arrive. but only got some photos due to my stupid balia phone. the camera system got problem since the wedding dinner at kemayan (the waiter.... its all the waiter's fault!) ishhhh! arghhhh! i want new phone! someone please get me new phone.. arghh. i can't tahan with this phone already!

Yesssssss, dai lou is coming back very soon. very very soon. can't wait!

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