Tuesday, September 30, 2008

TC, badminton.

hmm, went to tc yesterday to celebrate jun yuan's birthday. too bad that li wei can't go. =/
1:30pm, annie came and fetch me to TC. actually we was late. muahaha. and evonne was calling already! xD
when we reached there, we can't find evonne. but actually evonne was chasing annie's car. lol
went to the beach first to find evonne, jordan, eu chen, kwong ming and chin lip. then went to KFC to find jun yuan, the b'day guy. oh ya, kai yi was there too..
after eating, went to tc2. played water. but i didn't bring any extra clothes because i don't know got play water!! ishh! but still play lar, lol. oooh, they brought a ball also. ==''
we threw sand . ewwww, xD
but then jun yuan and kai yi went to tc3, so didn't take any photos with them.
pity kwong ming don't know po kai how many times. and he was injured!

evonne, annie and me.

jordan's post. =='
evonne! XD

after that, went to mc donald again. LOL!
then about 5 something, went back lur. xD
happy belated b'day to jun yuan. =)

today. went to semambu at 8 o'clock in the morning for badminton. =D
after annie and li wei came to my house, then we went to semambu court together. xD
only 7 of us went since kwong ming went to Malacca and jun yuan didn't come.
when we reached there, we thought someone was jordan, but when see him wearing school's basketball club's t-shirt then confirm not jordan dy. eheh
played till 10am. then went back home. so tired...
and i saw many sabs's student there.
ooh, i changed my grip! muahhaa.
i still want to go for badminton!!

ooooooooooooh nooooooooooo!
what happen to youtube!! why i can't watch hot shot dy. my ep 10 !!
ohhhh nooooooo!!!
i want to watch!
MY HOT SHOT!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

hari raya luu.

hey! hari raya is coming! we'll have one week of holiday.
muahaha. XD
tuesday. "fish".. lol
this happened while we were in the science lab.
li wei was wondering how to make the love shape with money(paper).
so, i asked banun since she's same group with me. (we need to seat in our group)
me : banun, do you know how to make love? banun : har? (she was like, shock? lol)
and everyone staring at me and we laughed! ==''
this song, fen shou kuai le, nice~ lol
=D friend! smile! 6! =)

friday. basketball =)
hmmmm. as usual, li wei came to my house. xD
watched duo mao mao. jacky wu was one of the zhu chi ren.
got him then can laugh till my stomach burst. i love his show so so much!
show lo a.k.a xiao zhu also quite funny. xD
finished one episod of duo mao mao only went to school. quite late! 3:00pm =P
played basketball for awhile. ONLY AWHILE. since they played full court. =(
today many ppl came. but too bad i went back early. =(( before 6 then went back jor. =(((
enam sana. xD

eunice, me and li wei

went to satay zul for st john's farewell party.
i'm so lucky that i get lucky draw again!!!im the first one who get.lol
yes, the party was fun! =DD
my lucky number, 28
this is what i get. photo frame.
group photo.
took from xiatoong's blog.

some photos took during mooncake festival.

the newest tanglung. xD
the round moon

oh ya, bought 2 novels again. lol.
shan liang de shi ke and cat in the frosty winter. finished reading the two books. lol


Saturday, September 20, 2008


lol. moon was so round. =O
mooncake festival always got round round moon! haha.
well, the weather is so so so good compaired with the mooncake festival last year or last last year. Rain always come during mooncake festival, but this year no rain!!
Yerrrrr, i can't go to TC. my mooncake festival flyyyy away like that during the tuition. lolx. nahh. too bad =\

too late to wish happy mooncake festival here. lol. wakaka.
will upload the photos soon, since this come is ba lia one. keep restart, lazyyyy lahhh.

weLLLLL, went to rompin for someone's wedding dinner. cousin? friend? not sure. haha. err, i think is far far far far far far far cousin? lol !
went to rompin yesterday after school, so didn't go to basketball. -_- nvm la, tak de orang pegi pun. right?? AND...... guess i saw who during the wedding dinner? dang dang dang! TVXQ~~~~~~~~ don't believe? up to you! nevermind laaah, i'm not TVXQ's fans also lahh.tvxq got 5 people right? got one gam mou one right? hair long long? got earing right? see! i know!
anddddd, my bro told me that got one uncle is nicholas teo. who knows, he really sing de wor!! you know la, those wedding sure got people sing old songsss one right, right?? heeee. and i found jolin tsai, jay chou, lee hom and xiao hei.. first time attend people's wedding can meet so many singersssss~ muahhaha!!! =DDD and this wedding dinner is the most quiet one. after everyone shout YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, then the whole dewan no sound. LOL! no SENGGGGGGGGGGG. i think can hear i laughing also.!! -_-
then, went back to my cousin's house. stay one night there. =D GOT ASTRO weyyy. XDD
really LAUGH alot with my cousin. =x

then today, come back to kuantan. stop at nenasi awhile. a small small kampung. =D
can see many kampung house, fish boats and of course the FAMOUS DELICIOUS YUMMY TASTY KEROPOK. hahah, you know lahh. i love fooddddd ~ and plus keropok is one of my fav food. haha. see my SIZE then you know. =P you all should try the keropok! very nice you know! want try? come find me. xD but not sure still got anot lah, need keep for my dai lou, dai lou is always first marrr. see maybe i will bring to school de. XD
we also went to a chinese temple. hmm. got a very kind and friendly ah pek there. =D
errmm, i think all the people there is my grandma's friend. hehe. nenasi ppl also haha. and i saw two ah pek, they were my grandfather's besties. i think if my grandfather still alive will just like them, old. ooh, miss my grandfather so much! ah gong, can you hear me? come meet me in my dream, i will speak teo chew with you. <3
hmmmm. after that, reached kuantan lu.
ok, about the trip, trip? lol. i think thats all about the trip, trip? hahha.

hmm, finally i manage to finish my geografi folio within 2 days. not two days lahh. urrmm, 8 hours? luckily last wednesday was public holiday, can go to annie's house to do folio. me and her ia in a group. so, on that day, i went to her house at about 1:00pm. and seat infront the laptop untill 6:00pm. ahh, seat infront the computer for so many hours and just for typing only is so tiring ! but, seating infront of the laptop for hours, we still can't finish the damn folio. so, i had to go to annie's house tomorrow. aihx. luckily we can finish it! wohoo! but who knows, suddenly pn.norhuda said pass up our folio on next tuesday. we was like, wat the F? before that u said pass up on friday and now you said next tuesday?? haihz. make us rushing for the folio. what to do. last minute always like that. better don't last minute next time. lol

and i bought a novel again. "seven days" wrote by xu you bin, quite famous. haha. and i finished the novel! very interesting. not about love, is all about the seven days how they live inside the hole..
and i also read "memory angel" and "moon city" (trasnlate to chinese). YES, ITS VERY INTERESTING ALSO! moon city is after the memory angel. i read both of them. but still can't see the grandfather. so is this the end of the story ?
i had finish the 5 novels. cun cun de shou hu shen, shi yue, qi tian, ji yi tian shi and yue liang cheng. all also interesting. those who love to read novel should read these. xD

ok, i think i will stop here. will upload the photos soon after the new com arrive. but only got some photos due to my stupid balia phone. the camera system got problem since the wedding dinner at kemayan (the waiter.... its all the waiter's fault!) ishhhh! arghhhh! i want new phone! someone please get me new phone.. arghh. i can't tahan with this phone already!

Yesssssss, dai lou is coming back very soon. very very soon. can't wait!

Friday, September 12, 2008

=) =D happy =))

hmm. today, get back my geography paper.. 76marks ONLY.. Am i dreaming??! lolx. i can't face the truth that i get B for my geography this time!! actually i not good in geography also. nahhhh. suan liao lar!!!and plus i didn't really read the book. cehh monthly test only~~ and the teacher!! get saman from her again !! because of my fringeeeee. im asked to clip up my fringe everytime during her period. she said she must see my fringe up when she come in everytime. if not i will be sent to the GPK hem to see miss quek~~ she will clip for me~~~~hahaha.
don't know why every friday sure got thing happens de worrr. very beh song punye lor. =\
last friday's pj give teacher diaoz because of basketball then today....

okay, talk bout this afternoon. Li Wei followed me back again ! =PP then went to school around 2:15pm. saw 2rk4's guys, soh, and jason they all. played awhile basketball then go chat with them.Woi, What is the peanut jam? and chocolate with don't know what thingy? and jacob? what square what round?! and asked me go eat anot? har??? make me curious then don't want tell me!! what o.. faster tell me lar!! btw,very quite fun with them.ooh, and soh.=) but they went back early T.T and the chin wei jong, keep zat-ing me. no one word is good de, and itu tan yi ming, always LC his phone very geng, can miss call ppl very fast and keep controlling ppl's hp o!=P and he said he like to LC me.-_-. and edwinson bought a new phone!! got 3G!! lolxx... lalala..told you all, i always crapz, cause monthly test finish liao? hahah.
then went to 7-11. pass by dewan and stop there awhile. got paper see ma~ the paper is the list of the students who take exam la. cehhh. xD look through the door. wah!! so many chair and table. see liao like me myself is taking exam like that >< lol! anyway, good luck to all the form 5 students. good luck good luck. may god bless you all ~ =) when we went to the front door, wtf, the door is locked. so we climb out from the pagar that no pagar.lol xD bought ice-cream! yummy XD lol lol. many crapz, but no p0int. don't know why i keep talking crapz. Zzz okay, come back. went back to school again, learned how to play the rubik! damn!! so diff. learned from lum. but he du-lan dy. cause he said the ppl who learn sure will say "har?" lol. really de wor. and he's bored with the "har?and har?and har?" xDD wei! you haven't teach me all yet!! =='
and then, all the time learning to play the rubik until go back home. =x went to school for basketball but ended up with learning the damn rubik! lalala.
ssimuoyoshcum!erauoyenifereht?yamdogsselbuoy!evoluoy! can read what i type? cannot then don't want read. hahaha. bleh!=P

fine, a joke here! LAUGH OUT LOUD! hahahhahaa.
Subject : Malaysian joke - read slowly....very very funny!!!!
Two old friends - a Chinaman and a Malay were having a conversation recently ....

Apek: Lu potong zaka ada bagut ka?
Ali: Manyak bagus. Bila lu potong haa, lu punya barang manyak bersih loo..

Apek: ?!! err .. saya kawan ala cakap, potong zaka aaahh.. manyak ploblem..
Ali: Apa problem?

Apek: Manyak buang lui, lagi aahh.. dia punya performance tadak bagut.. manyak cinang semputloh ...
Ali: Cehh.. apek, lu apa cerita.. saya suda lama potong. tada apa problem.. bini saya manyak puas woo...

Apek: Lu mini puas sama itu potong zaka ka?
Ali: Ya laa. Bila lu potong aahh.. lagi sedap main woo. lu lagi lambat pancut..

Apek: ???!!! err... lu punya 1.3 atau 1.5??
Ali: ??!! woi apek cakap baik2 sikit ha .. saya punya 6 inci laa.

Apek: ??! Tiu nia ma.. lu jangan main main haa.. mana ada potong zaka 6 inci.
Ali: Cilaka apek ni.. nah tengok (opens his trousers)

Apek: Chee sin punya olang.. gua tanya baik baik .. lu tunjuk lu punya lanchiau..
Ali: Abis... lu tada percaya..saya tunjuk la..

Apek: Saya tadak tanya sama lu punya lanchiau. Saya tanya lu pasal itu nasional car.. potong zaka. bolo punya olang..
Ali: Aiya.. apek.. lain kali lu sebut betul betul la....kasi susa saja.. Bukan potong zaka la.. proton saga........

Thursday, September 11, 2008


lol. today is the last day of the september test.
hmm. nothing special happened during the test la. just normal ny lor. all so damn hard. lol.
today chinese test. really..... we don't know which class we should go. the test start at 10am. we walked here walked there until 10:15am. finally the teacher said we go to 2rk6. before that we went but the teacher called us go back class !!! @.@ zzz. then waited for the test question, 5 minutes gone. start at 10.20am+++. and pass up at 11.00am!! wtf!! 1 hour one la. zzz i haven't finish yet and ended up with tikam. =x only few question that i don't know to do one lar. ==' when the teacher said stop writing i still writing.. muahahha. XD
oh ya! and first day, maths test. guess what? kwong ming cried after the test. all of us asked him what happened. and he cried and said ": i only know 3 questions..T_T"
-_-" !!!!! LOL!

this computer changed to the old cpu. no songs!!! what pun tak de. lol.

tag...... ._.

Tagged by: Alyssa, Raney and Hui Wey.

1. What is the relationship of you and her?
- err.. alyssa, friend! raney, friend since standard 2. muahaha. hui wey, far far cousin? XD

2. Your 5 impressions towards her.
-alyssa, good, nice, urmm. not really know about her. xD sorry! xD

- raney, cold, hot, pretty, leng lui, good. XDD

-hui wey, singer, nice, pretty, good, kind..

all simply write XDD

3. The most memorable things she had done for you.
~ alyssa, no? raney and hui wei, dunno?

4. The most memorable things she have said to you?
~ quite alot. LOL

5. If she become your lover, you will...
~ hmmmmm. love them lor.

6. If she become your enemy, you will...
~ hmm. hate them XD

7. If she become your lover, she has to improve on...
~ alyssa, become shorter! raney, hmm...the ehem smaller. lalalala. hui wey, duno hahaha.

8. If she become your enemy, the reason is...
~ because they are my enemy lor. XD

9. The most desirable thing to do on her is?
~ apa?saya tak faham question tanya apa. =x

10. The overall impression of her is...
~ alyssa, hmm. raney, cold and hot! hui wey, =))

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
~ hahaha. bad! rude! xD

12. The character of you for yourself is?
~ dunno la..

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
~ tak tau la!! ishhh.

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
~ many oooh. i always dream de. xD

15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
~ thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

-su xin
-xing hui

Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
~ duno wor..

Is no. 3 a male or a female?
~ female.

If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing
~ maybe.. xD

How about no. 5 and 8?
~ maybe XDD

What is no. 1 studying about?
~ evonne? u studying about what? lolx

Is no. 4 single?
~ su xin, are you single? XD

Say something about no. 6
~ cold ! xD

Friday, September 5, 2008


thought today got pj very happy. can play basketball..but then suddenly play till very happy then headmistress come and stop us. she asked us where is our teacher and we said at field. but she said we can't play without any teacher there. cause she scared we will injured ourself and nobody will tanggungjawab. haihzzzz. because before we went to basketball court, we went to the field first. but we didn't see the teacher because we can't find her. so after the headmistress asked us to go back, we went to the field again. the teacher is there. suan liao suan liao.. talk the point. teacher write our name under ponteng kelas and noted there main bola keranjang tanpa kebenaran guru. ok, we admit. teacher just warn us, and she didn't take any action. so this whole month don't have pj just because of puasa. ............................................................................ haihzzzz..
then after geography period, the teacheryouknowwho saw the book and said we will get saman for 9 marks. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
and then, ifireadnotloudenoughmakeyoucan'thearwhatiread,justsayoutla.

tomorrow got school. got replacement again for deepavali. 4 more days to the monthly test but i haven't finish study all the bab.. @.@

bye. continue my hot shot.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


hmm.. happy belated birthday to malaysia! yay! 31st august... ==''

urmm. my hand is so black now, thanks to the merdeka parade. =p

finally, my english scrapbook is done. i used about 2 hours to finish this damn scrapbook!! cause i need to pass up tomorrow.. i always last minute. ishhh. if i do it early, i can use that 2 hours to study for the coming test.. @@ my printer is not function properly..

ooooh.. im currently addicted to this movie hot shot. although some of their basketball skill are fake. they used the rope to tie so that there can fly here fly there. =x i love their dance!!! ooowh. i love yuan da ying~~~~lolx.. i love pi li feng huo lang dui.

monthly test is coming!! next week!! history form 1 form 2 ALL!! ooh. wish me luck please!! ==" i want to get a B for my history. but A is better... HISTORY IS "EASY" and damn "INTERESTING"!!!! and of course, still got other subjects.