Wednesday, June 1, 2011


YEah, today is the 1st day of JUNE ! awesome day ! superb day !

June, please be good to me.. please treat me good.

Went to watch kungfu panda with chengli and the gang at mega. Baby po is so super cute !! i love it soooooo much...!!

shopping with chengli, and guess what i got..... METOO !!!! ahhhhhh so cute, was considering whether to buy or not and chengli took it and paid  ! so sweet :3 awwww but i paid her back hahaha

 edited by chengli.. BTW it's METOO !! not meetoo :x hahahaha 

love herr.. don't be envy to be for having such a sweet friend hahahahaha

btw, we still can't find shoes !! arghhh !!

mcd for lunch.

kungfu panda was awesome.. btw .. mega's cinema sucks @@ we watched halfway so super gek dong then suddenly the screen black out @@ was Po too tired?? LOL
then... walked to ecm.. singk @@

똑같아 똑같아.. ㅋㅋㅋ
 sushi king for dinner !! YAY YAY love sushi very much 

AWESOME DAY. I'm very happy !!!!! todayy really ♥  기분 참 좋다 !!!

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