Monday, April 4, 2011


hmmmm. Time really flies ! isn't it ?

It's April nowwwww !

well, at this time.. i should be in school. but.. i'm joining the badminton mssd.
that's why i'm at home now blogging ;)
So, let me summarized everything that happened on the past few weeks.

i watched big momma !!!
heheh wasn't bad afterall. some scenes were really funny and burst me into laughter ;D
and i love those songsss !!! LYRICAL MIRACLE and BABY YOU KNOW 

last week was basketball mssd. and yes my jersey is No.6 :)
the first day, which was on monday, We versus semsas. we lost ;( 41-8
and mostly of us hurt very bad. ==;  fell down, being pushed, being scratched and so on.. @@
on the second day , versus SMKAA . we won ;) 38-17
and we got into quarter-finals. on thursday, we got to versus Semambu. :( not a good one !
we got 40-38. we lost them two marks. that's Super saddddddd !!! my leg was really very pain and i can't concentrate well and i didn't really play well.
SAD. if we won them, we can get into semi-finals and we will fight for first, second, third or forth.
well. quite regretful, as this is the last year of me joining mssd. since i'm in form 5 now. and our school basketball team didn't manage to get any prize for the school AGAIN.
SO i hope my juniors will get a good result next time ;'(

lost in this competition and get hurt on my legs .. :/

and then, It was 1st of APRIL.
i'm sure that everyone knows what day is that day right?
and my classmates were in the spirit of that !
when i reached my class, i got gum on my hand which i don't realize until they asked me. -.-
hahahahah ! they are really funny ! 
I love my classmates so so so so much ! \
evonne, is the most pity one, she got a pail of water poured all over her body. by other class student =x

and later i'll be going for the badminton competition and i didn't expect much.
cause my standard is low compared to the otherssss. They are realllly good !



AND lastly , 생일축하해요 은혁이오빠 ! =D

he's super good in dancing !!!!!!!!!!!

hahha ;)


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