Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Knew that i passed my librarian exam today :)
Went for the Post Interview.
Finally, i had decided to get Publisiti post.
Same with liwei ^^ I wanna do work together with her.
I seriously hope she will get it..!
Cause She wanted this post so much :))
She did much "homework" before the interview :)

As for me, Get or not doesn't matter. haha.
Because i was like, Har ? Can Interview ?
Then i just went for the interview.
Just Cincai cincai.
haha, i crapped a lot during the interview ! ==''
But i try my best to answer all the questions lor.
And... During the interview i keep on laughing only.

oooh~ haha this is me. :))

Lastly, Happy Birthday Kar June :)

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