Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ding ding ~

hmmm went to ECM on monday :)
with my dears ~ liwei, annie, yee jing, jun yuan.
sushi king :)
first time !! hehe.
sing k.. :)
mo du da geo jit ma ri ya da geo jit ma ri ya ~ hahaha !!
i want learn this song. next time go there sing.. 烦them...hahaha !! but they don't know how to read korean words ~ XP
what oh cheng li wei, i beh song you meh ?
zzz dont ever say i beh song you again ok ? :)

fun :)
hongki !!!!!! :D
FT ISLAND !!! :D muacksss !

makan also must concentrate one okay! cheng li wei !!

cheng li wei kacau me makan !! :P

drew A.N.Jell that day too. they asked me to draw something to put in school magazine.. lol
i don't know they will put mine or not lah, but i drew ~ XD

1 comment:

fatin amirah shahar said...

hi dear...
im following u... ;)
i also die hard fan of hong gi ♥

yaa...i know that song :p

[follow mw back!]