Sunday, January 24, 2010

wahahahA 4sc4 flooded !

Lol. yesterday went to school for CNY replacement. =)
at first i thought im the only chinese who going to school cause they all said they are not coming while nicole had to go for nursing course.
when i reached school, almost reached the block i dislike, miss lim wen li who is my form teacher stopped me. she told me that our class was flooded ! and asked me to go to the class at the block i like. WHEEEE YAY ! so near to sc1 2 3.. XD
hahaha. but.. when i went there, nobody. LOL so i went to sc3 to find annie =)
and then ! i saw teacher came to my class. ><>
awwww luckily ah song came.. AND AND AND ! EVONNE !! she came ! muahaha ~

wulalalala! haha


But.. don't know when we are going back to our own class.. lol
hope not too fast. XD
now we can find them easily.. just a bridge ! XD
don't tell me the class will be fixed by monday =.= LOL
then really =.= =.= =.= =.= =.=

hehehe`` XD

ohhh ! get to know some malay guys' name..
they were funny ! hahaha ! one of them is elmo.. LOL ! i cant stop laughing when looking at the way he speak chinese .. hahaha
and also Fakar ! o.o haha Fa-kAr not Fak-aR . haha and one more. leng-cai. LOL sei-chun.. hahaha and also khairul.. and one.. Sam ?! not la.. his name is uma. o.o

lolx.. haha ~~

1 comment:

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