Friday, October 30, 2009

Old Town again ^^

Hmm.. Friday.. Went to school today ! x)
ahh kena paksa.. wahaha... neh.. the don't know who lor.. ask me go wor.. =DD
Long time didn't go to school. =)
Because of friday, school will be end at 12pm.. so i went lur x)

Ahh, had assembly today.. -.- " BACA BUKU SELAMA 10MINITS "
But... tak sampai 10 minutes pun.. eleh ~

When i reached school, saw varsha.. she's there to return the text books... LOL !
and sharwinie came after that.. nobody in the class.. so we went to tapak =) liwei ! finally she came..
wow.. really surprised that caryne, zxin, waiteng, Jessie, renee, wei jong, song, desmond and edwinson were there too.. =x actually yesterday night wei jong told me he's going to school in msn. wahaha after the assembly.. The so called activity.. =.= alah i tak nak cakap apa pun. =.= went to bilik moral.. then nothing to do ~ luckily i brought my mp3 =D
was at canteen all the time =.=
talking with them guys. -.- desmond they all.. they very lame lar.. aduih. wahaha..
then, went to the library. find
frederick Kor Kor. wahaha..must call him korkor.. cause he called me xiao mei mei -.- wahaha. he really bought chocolate for us =D Yay ! he said wanna buy RM0.10 chocolate, but ended up he bought the 3.20 punya..dono what T_____ triangle shape punya. =x THANKS !! KAMSAHAMNIDA !! =D
then............ meet with them again.. waited for caryne they all.. and.. went to old town ! haha
when passing the canteen.. desmond ask everybody to take off the tie.. -.- i ask him why he said so that teacher cannot recognize.. ehemmmmm.. LOL !! lol. was discussing wanna go where.. -- say until go AP's old town.. =.= Then they say wanna go one stop/ east grill.. But me and li wei stay at old town ! =DD Lol... But then.. they came back to old town ! lol ! hahahaha. hmmmmmmmm. after old town.. walked back to school =D balikkkkkkkkkkk =DD

Oh this is lee hong ki ~ yea.. i'm talking about him ! =D
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ahhh ~ so cute +yeng +handsome ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

this is.. xinyong ?xinshok ? alah i tak tau mcam ne pronounce =x

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