Friday, October 30, 2009

Old Town again ^^

Hmm.. Friday.. Went to school today ! x)
ahh kena paksa.. wahaha... neh.. the don't know who lor.. ask me go wor.. =DD
Long time didn't go to school. =)
Because of friday, school will be end at 12pm.. so i went lur x)

Ahh, had assembly today.. -.- " BACA BUKU SELAMA 10MINITS "
But... tak sampai 10 minutes pun.. eleh ~

When i reached school, saw varsha.. she's there to return the text books... LOL !
and sharwinie came after that.. nobody in the class.. so we went to tapak =) liwei ! finally she came..
wow.. really surprised that caryne, zxin, waiteng, Jessie, renee, wei jong, song, desmond and edwinson were there too.. =x actually yesterday night wei jong told me he's going to school in msn. wahaha after the assembly.. The so called activity.. =.= alah i tak nak cakap apa pun. =.= went to bilik moral.. then nothing to do ~ luckily i brought my mp3 =D
was at canteen all the time =.=
talking with them guys. -.- desmond they all.. they very lame lar.. aduih. wahaha..
then, went to the library. find
frederick Kor Kor. wahaha..must call him korkor.. cause he called me xiao mei mei -.- wahaha. he really bought chocolate for us =D Yay ! he said wanna buy RM0.10 chocolate, but ended up he bought the 3.20 punya..dono what T_____ triangle shape punya. =x THANKS !! KAMSAHAMNIDA !! =D
then............ meet with them again.. waited for caryne they all.. and.. went to old town ! haha
when passing the canteen.. desmond ask everybody to take off the tie.. -.- i ask him why he said so that teacher cannot recognize.. ehemmmmm.. LOL !! lol. was discussing wanna go where.. -- say until go AP's old town.. =.= Then they say wanna go one stop/ east grill.. But me and li wei stay at old town ! =DD Lol... But then.. they came back to old town ! lol ! hahahaha. hmmmmmmmm. after old town.. walked back to school =D balikkkkkkkkkkk =DD

Oh this is lee hong ki ~ yea.. i'm talking about him ! =D
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ahhh ~ so cute +yeng +handsome ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

this is.. xinyong ?xinshok ? alah i tak tau mcam ne pronounce =x

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

dramaaa !

finish watching 败犬女王 fews days ago !

It's a Taiwan Drama.



I love Lucas a.k.a Lu-Ka-Si a.k.a Lu-Ka-Cheng.


hmmm. finish watching that drama then nothing to do =.=

So.. Am Watching 是美男啊

Wohooo! Nice nice! KOrean Dramaaa ~ xD

The guy so yeng + cute + handsome.

Ko-Mi-Nam.. but she is a girl wahaha.

I like Jeremy and Xin Shok.


Watching 烈火红心3 too.

Borrowed Dvd from Zack.

♥ Wanna watch Dream ! korean drama again !

Got kim bum lehhhh xDD

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wai Suetyen

Happy Birthday Wai Suetyen !!

SaengilChuKaHamNiDAaaa ~~

♥ thanks to everyone ~~
♥ Daddy Mommy Family Cousin..~~
♥ Friendssssssssss ! <3

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Old Town.

today went to school -.-
just to return books..

wore PJ shirt ~
went to class, saw ee meng je..
so went to rk4.. xD play cards with them guys. xD
then after return our books, went to old town..
near fico there.. just opened.
the roti sedap lehh XD

school no activity also... SIEN ~

then.. walked to nicole's house =))

walked back to school before 2.30pm

like that also can.. -.-
when going back that time.. was finding my shoe.. -.- MANA TAU !!
i really nothing to say -.-
when reached school, straight away called him and tell him.. WTF !! he didnt realize.. still laughing. -.- i felt like wanna beng him dy -.-

then went back -.-

lolz.. this photo.. i watching at the computer.. ==

no eye dy -- haha

leng lui ~~~~~ inside the magazine la xD

finish watching 大喜事 。。 nice.. =)) singapore's.. ==
quite funny.. haha

"hello kukujiao ~" hahahahahaha the pet's name -- LOL !!
got 黑人!! 帅!! 哈哈 <3

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

mega and ecm xD

today went to megamall with them XD
Suetyen-Annie-Li Wei-Evonne-Nicole-Jun Yuan-Eu Chen-Jordan-Desmond-Soh-Joon Kit.
watched where got ghost.. LOL !!

actually we planned to watch two movies. -- where got ghost and tsunami.. but then.. ended up SALE, jordan and soh didnt watch tsunami.. LOL
long story..
lol. actually at first all don't want to watch dy.. we try to give back the ticket to them and ask them to return us money.. the another cashier quite fierce ==

the DESMOND LIM !! ppl ask him,
" tukar SEAT? "
desmond lim said ya.. ==
he thought "tukar XI (in chinese)"

LOL !!!!

that cashier is malay -.-

then the cashier said help us sell the ticket --
at last only sold 5.. ==

so some of them watched --


inside the cinema there so cold !!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

I know my head very big =xx

Tuesday, October 13, 2009