Friday, September 4, 2009

injured bird.

YO !

hmm.. today.. we saw an injured bird in school..
just at our block there =)
it can't fly anymore..
although we went near it.. it won't fly also !
ah yan, the bird's "owner" LOL brought it to our class. the last 2 period was civic and teacher asked us to go to library.. but we stayed in class.
we played with the bird. =D
Jun Yuan kept asking to kill it. -.-
cause Jun Yuan said it also will die of hunger.. why don't we kill it first ?!
really speechless ! =.=
we gave water to the bird ! it's thirsty!! we gave it bread with peanut jam also.. but it don't want to eat.. it only drank water in ah yan's hand. the bird love ah yan so so much !! hahaha
and ah yan love the bird so much also !!

Lol.. kwong ming suggested to put the bird outside and let it walk to rk4 =.=
desmond and nicole came out to see the bird..hahaha then zhe jun they all also came out...LOL

forgotten who suggested to put it in someone's bag =.=
Ahh ~ really fun ! =D
while we was playing with the bird, kwong ming was lying on the table...he seems like lying on the beach and enjoy the sunshine ! hahahahahahaha.

before going back, we put the bird back on the field just under our class. =D

wheeeeeeeee! i'm wondering how is the bird now ?

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