Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today is the first time I use gergaji..
i used gergaji to gaji my kayu..
i did kerja kayu t0day in bengkel..
is that fun? i'm n0t sure.

I went f0r basketball today..
there's many ppl..
boys(many) and girls(3 only)..
they keep taking my bicycle..
they keep taking my bsb!!
Lol.. i know, they are playing..xD
Im happy when i was playing basketball..
But..i will fan when i was thinking that stupid thing..
haihz.. the thing can change my mo0d? NO! NO! NO!
the stupid thing w0nt change my mo0d.. yea.. i knew it.. IT WONT CHANGE!
sometimes.. i felt that i was tired to be your friend..
can i dont to be our friend? No, its impossible..
I treat u as my friend..
Im ikhlas to be everybody's friend.. why should u treat me like that??
suan liao.. f0rget about it..

hmm.. tomorrow.. it's tomorrow.. Lol
i still dint find any Point.. LOL.. f0rgive me!
i cant find.. g0t lar.. but little point only.. xD

Oh ya! who wanna learn dance? At fei yang..
got break dance, shuffle, kid dance n two more i forgotten wat liao..
just helping somebody to promote.. xD

Yor.. sienz lar.. nothing to write already..
stop here.. will write next time if i hv something to write..

this two picture took on last friday.. xD

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


im just back from school!!!its already 5:30pm +++!!!
LOL!! today no perhimpunan because of rain! xD XD XD
actually i wanna say..LC teacher is s u x
he's damn damn damn ham sap!! ham zhing!!!! yuCK!
that day evonne saw his computer's history there got ham ye! zzzzz
he heard evonne said YER! so now he alwayz call evonne..
today u all know wat he had asked evonne?
ham zhing: kamu ada mandi tak?
WAT THE HELL LAAAAA.. why u wanna know??? zz
and then he continued.. " guna air sejuk ke panas?"
omg.. he so so so so so .....
he's ham zhing!!!!! ...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

nic's concert

oh yea.. nicholas gonna open his 1st concert in malaysia after he had opened a free concert at taiwan..

i wanna go!! please!!

演唱會日期:2008/03/29 (SAT.)

演唱會地點:馬來西亞Bukit Jalil, Indoor Stadium Putra.

演唱會時間:PM 8:00

VIP 原票價:馬幣RM$260 折合新台幣NT$2600\美金US$80.6\港幣HK$628.6\人民幣RMB$584.1\新加坡幣SG$115.8

VVIP票價:馬幣RM$350 折合約新台幣NT$3500\美金US$108.5\港幣HK$846.1\人民幣RMB$786.3\新加坡幣SG$155.8

Yer, i want to go ar!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

basketball or badminton?

im back again! lol
haihz.. wat sukan should i join in school?
basketball or badminton?
can only choose 1..
if i dont wanna care it , i choose 2 can?
lol.. last year i also join 2 sukan lor.. xD
haihz.. dont care??
lol.. any1.. gv some comment!! basketball or badminton??

Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year New Hope...xD

yo.. its new year already...
long time i dint blog..
lazy wanna blog..
nothing to write lar... haiyo..
hmmmm.. today is the third day to skul.. perhimpunan..but then rain so canceled the perhimpunan.. wakaka..
OMG! i have the same post again in class..Ketua Kebersihan.. wat the hell..=.=
teacher still call me to bring back and wash the MOST DIRTY TABLE CLOTH IN THE WORLD..