Friday, September 14, 2007

happy birthday to my beloved [jess|e j|e] is a special day for [jessie jie] , [shirrly jie] ~

first, this is for jessie jie~
jessie jie, halo..hehe..u dunno i hv a blog ler, xD.. today is ur birthday!!but..u at [europe]? everytime i will wish u~ but since u dint online, i wished u through ur cbox..xD n also my blog..haha..ok ..i h0pe..u hv a sweet n wonderful birthday at europe~ muaks!! hehe..happy birthday!!

second, for shirrly jie~
shirrly jie, just now u suprise ler.. haha.. coz i called u ! xD
hmm..i wish u happy birthday!!! ^^ i hope u hv a sweet birthday with ur cute boyfren n ur frens~~ happy birthday ya!!

last, for wui sim~
happy birthday ya wui sim!! hehe..

-wow..wat a good day! so many ppl birthday today!! haha..^^-

now, i gona say my day
its really special for me also.. hehe..because today's 3 period of KH..i dint feel wana sleep or boring!! waa..suprise!! xD u know teacher taught us wat? taught us about "bater" the hold period keep saying [telur]..haha..n today is really fun!! because teacher discuss the exam paper together with us..hehe.. i love this moment so much! i like today's kh the most!! haha..
afternoon, i tought i wont go to school for my basketball practice, because annie n li wei dont wan go..who knows..annie called me..she say she wanna go to school..ok lo..then i go also lo..hehe..about 3 pm, i reached school, i dint saw anybody but saw annie sitting inside d car..oh no..!! i'm late!! so sorry ya annie!! hehe..ok..because we are too boring, we went to the unit beruniform's papan..n see see see..haha..i got take some photos!! xD after finish watching, we went bek to tapak n wait n wait n wait...finally comes a ball!! haha.. so we played lo..oh ya.. hui hui is the new member of basketball club..hehe..welcome welcome~ xDD say like that like im dha most big!! fine.. the end..haha..

other thing i wanna say is..
now..i really know that..i missed the life last time..T_T..i wanna go bek to pei chai! walaupun i hv many nick names ther.. haha!! the life now..ok larr..but primary's life is better.. because all the friends there are good..i mean wont alwayz say ppl bad things behind ppl d .. i really really hate this!! wat bu shuang then just say out la..u know i wont mind it wat..haha..because my idol is nicholas teo..i will listenwat he life will be good!! xD he's so correct that he said something " everything also think positif , life will be better right?" something like that lar..haha.. thanks to nicholas..!! muaksss!! and then, the friends that we met last time is the most best 1..but for sure li wei ar, annie ar, hui hui ar, yee jing, caryne, wai teng, zhi xin they also very good la..i just mean somebody!!neh that 1 small gas ghost..~i just know the small gas ghost dunno last year or..
not like li wei , annie, we all just know each other since we came in sabs right? but our gan qing is so so so so good!! i will appreaciate!! ^^ actually , think think, i still love my life now!! haha..xDD long time i dint meet with my primary's friends, they all went to SMKAP, SMKTA, SMKTP, SMKTC and more and more.. for sure SABS also larh..hehe.. yen yee!! long time i dint meet u!! haihz..u at KL!! T_T.. hope u hv a nice day-s alwayz!! xD if mood not good call me lar..xP
last thing.. i hate the person who like to say ppl's bad thing!!

friends is important..

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