Saturday, April 26, 2008


wow.. so fake .. fake.. fake.. fake.. fake..
don't fake already lar..

friday oh friday

oooh. im fallllll in love on friday. =='
i love friday so so much. xD
friday = PJ.. fuiyuuuh!!
but the stupid sejarah is on friday too. ==' some more 2 periods.. ==''
anyway, i love my sejarah teacher, Puan Zulkima. lol. hahaha. she's funny!! =D
luckily i had a funny+lovely teacher ==' to teach sejarah so that i won't feel like sleeping during sejarah . i really dont like sejarah.I don't know why..

and luckily friday don't have geografi.. if not. i wont fall in love on friday.. =='
i like geografi , but the teacher is ............................................... haihx. u can fill in the blank whatever u like. =='

friday = basketball day!!!
hee.. i love playing 3 on 3 with form 6's.. =D fun. hehee..
i have a new friend(although she don't know my name) . annie and li wei's GL. hahahhaha. =PPP
hahahhahahaha. can consider as friend or maybe not. lol. XD

hmmmm. some photos we took =))

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sports day.

today is our school's sports day.
i din't go to sports day but i went to SMKAP to see st john state comp.
arrgggh.. i'm so regret that i never go to sukan.. argghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Annie told me that.. li wei and her together with mok mok... and priscilla they all also..
Yoooooorrrr.. yooooorrrrr!!!!!
Li Wei told me that..bla bla bla bla bla..many things about the sports day..
haihx.. haihx.. haihxxxxx... =='
~regret~ =='

If i know so fun ar, i sure go to sports day.
If i know................. i sure go to sports day.

Why state comp and sports day on the same day?

BUT................nevermind lar. im fun also with ying ying.. =P
state comp state comp.
our school get 2nd?? =='

hey.. i wan to see project superstar today!!!
but i got tuition.
ishhh!! everytime also like that.. =='

Friday, April 18, 2008


today is fun!! haha
no basketball training for today. =x
annie and li wei came to my house.
we watched jacky wu's show. haha. some damn funnyyyy!!
then we went back to school around 2 something.
ah quek was there again!! haha.
eway there too. they were there to train those st john state competition's ppl.
wish them good luck for the competition for tmr and sunday. XD

played basketball.. hehehhehehehe. xDD
xDDDD around 5pm.. we dint do anything .. just sitting there and watch them play.. xD
then then then.. we played match with those form 6's.
oh. we lost again. ish. 5-3.. ok lar. xD
because annie went back earlier mar.. then our team less one people, so 1 jie jie joined us.
if not we sure win..(fuuh, perasan..) =P i dint say the jiejie gai!! we very gai also!!
lalalalalala.. hehexx.. xDD
lalalalalala lalalalalala. lalalala lalalalalala lalalalalala....

end with a BIG SMILE! =) =)

Thursday, April 17, 2008


i get all my results back..
get B for SJ, Geo, Kh, Bc..

lols.. i can get A for geo actually!!!! issshh. because of my [ke-cuai-an] ..=='
Sj.. no need say lor.. only everyday study d ppl can get A..=='
Kh.. same same. need to read 1. zzz
Bc.. lols. hard larh!! =='

lalala. really sienz lar.. hmm.. maybe i need to to start to revising book already.. mid year exam is coming very very very so0n.. oO. zzz haihx
Nowadays, some of them only study for exam..==' like me?? lols. =='

im currently eddie's fans.. lols.. because he always sing nicholas's song during his competition .. superstar.. hahaha. vote for him!!! xD

just continue.. i won't mind..

Friday, April 11, 2008

nicky and mou mou.

ok. not going to say basketball 1st.. hahaha..
i went back to school at 2pm. evonne, li wei and jun yuan was there..
so.. we walked together to jun yuan's house to see his puppy, mou mou XD
his puppy is cute!!! =D
then, we went to ying's house. (jun yuan's house and ying's house very very near..neighbour?)
ying has a puppy too. nicky. oooohh. this little puppy..CUTE and CLEVER!!! she know how to open the cage's door. xD
=P i wan cute little puppy also!! =='

mou mou

cute nicky cute li ying. lol


li ying

li ying and me

me n li wei

junyuan, ying, me and li ying.
same shirt. hehe

we took many photos.. wakaka.
ying's sis.. li ying. very cute also.. =P
she was doing kumon homework that time. teacher asked her to write from 100 to 180 i think. then.. who knows.. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 117 118................................................................................ something like that... she missed 1 number.. so.. she has to rub all and write again!! =='
za dao..=='

annie came to ying's house too. but she so so so late. lols we told her that ying's house got a avanza.. but then the avanza go out liao. annie really look for avanza d wor.. untill she pass by ying's house she also never stop. ying was standing outside that time.. =='

then, we bought ice-cream.. lalala. eat ice-cream in a hot weather. so shuang!! =P
then, me annie, li wei and ying..walked together to school for our basketball training. =D
before that, i cycle to tapak. xD jun yuan's bicycle. lol.. lor. basketball basketball basketball. we dint train. xD we played match. lalala. =P got train la.. "up basket" ==' "shang4 lan2" then went back home.
i played badminton with my friends near my house. played on the road!! =x lalalalala..

the photo we took at tapak.
same shirt. ==
same shirt.
only we 4 same shirt haha.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


april test is over! OVER!
BUT....... May EXAM is coming SOON! haihx.

i get my geografi's result. ONLY 78..
the teacher bla bla bla bla bla bla bla at me.. zzzz
because february test i get 90. YOR, the teacher very wat d wor.. february test only got form 2 ma. now got form 1 d. lOl.

Pn Norhuda: Eh, turun banyak ni.. TERUKnya. and bla bla bla. ( i dunno wat she means. ==')
Pn Norhuda: Kenapa har? wai..
Pn Norhuda: Orang lain makin lama makin pandai, kamu ni.. makin lama makin.... teruk ni..
Pn Norhuda: bla bla bla bla bla bla keep saying and saying and saying.

I dint gv her any response that time. zz
after she bla bla finish then i only can go back and sit. zz
and this is the first time i cried for my marks. zzz
see lar. next time(deng gai ci xD), I sure get A.( say only =x) I know I sure CAN GET A 1.. see.. see lar!!( DENG GAI CI!!!!) A only mar.. eat one apple then one A lor.

Yesterday~ yesterday~ =D
yesterday i stayed back for st john. i went to evonne's house.
I'm scared of BIG dogs. and some small one like evonne's BULLDOG~ =P
the two dog's came into evonne's house.. and I'm scared with the bulldog. lols.
SO.......I climbed on to evonne's sofa, and stand on the sofa. OMG! =='
How can i do like that..=='
luckily i dint shout..=='
